1. Moonlight (2016) " Ultimately, Moonlight is cinema that's vital and profound. If there is any way humanly possible to put this film in front of your eyeballs, you owe it to yourself to do so. This movie is why movies exist. " - Tim Brennan , About Boulder 2. Parasite (2019) " What's to be said about this film that hasn't already been said? ... because there is so much to take in, like a Da Vinci painting, the film reveals secrets and hidden meanings until you're left breathless... " - Sucharita Tyagi , Film Companion 3. The Social Network (2010) " David Fincher's film has the rare quality of being not only as smart as its brilliant hero, but in the same way. It is cocksure, impatient, cold, exciting and instinctively perceptive. " - Roger Ebert , Chicago Sun-Times 4. Her (2013) " Johansson's vocal tour de force is award-worthy. So is the movie. Ignore the soft ending. Jonze is a...
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