Genre: Action & Adventure, Drama, Science-Fiction Directed by: Rupert Sanders Written by: Jonathan Herman, Jamie Moss Starring: Scarlett Johansson, Pilou Asbæk, Michael Pitt, Takeshi Kitano and Juliette Binoche In Theaters: Mar 31, 2017 (Wide) Runtime: 106 minutes Since the day it was announced Scarlett Johansson was cast as Motoko Kusanagi in a live-action adaptation of Ghost in the Shell (called by simply The Major or "Mira" in the movie), there were a lot of controversy around the whitewashing of an iconic manga character. But, guess what: it is Johansson's ghost who saves the movie from being a huge misfire. The source material from the 1996's animated film of the same name is unique, with a sublime soul, hard philosophic questions and some amazing visuals. That said I must confess I was surprised by the choice of Rupert Sanders for the director's chair, since he showed so little as a storyteller in Snow White and the Huntsman and being abl...
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