Genre: Drama; Sci-fi; Action; Thriller Directed by: Christopher Nolan Written by: Christopher Nolan Starring: John David Washington , Robert Pattinson , Elizabeth Debicki , Kenneth Branagh , Aaron Taylor-Johnson and Michael Caine In theaters: August 26, 2020 (UK, Portugal, others) I'm going to start this review by saying Tenet is not Christopher Nolan's best work, but it still is poised to be one of the best (and most memorable) movies of the year. It's a cerebral sci-fi thriller, fueled with eye-popping action scenes, a commanding John David Washington's performance and great turns from Robert Pattinson and Elizabeth Debicki. At some point of the movie, you feel like you're lost - but then Nolan gives you a key piece of his puzzle and you start putting things together! No, Tenet is not a movie to walk-in hoping for a relaxed view! You must focus, you must think about the plot and you must solve the puzzle. It's the smartest movie I...