Avengers: Infinity War, the Marvel Cinematic Universe's records breaker has just joined the $2 billion club and it's one of the highest-grossing movies ever alongside Avatar, Titanic and Star Wars: The Force Awakens.
Do you want know which records the latest Avengers chapter broke (source Rotten Tomatoes)?
- The biggest domestic opening of all time
- The biggest worldwide opening of all time
- The best advance ticket sales for a superhero movie
- Best Thursday preview for a MCU movie
- Best Saturday gross of all time
- Best Sunday gross of all time
- Best April Monday gross of all time
- Best Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday grosses for the MCU
- Second-Best second weekend of all time
- Fastest movie to gross $250 Million
- Fastest movie to gross $300 Million (tied)
- Fasted movie to gross $1 Billion globally
- The highest-grossing superhero movie worldwide
- Fastest movie to gross $1.5 Billion globally
- Second-Fastest movie to gross $2 Billion globally
- The highest-grossing Avengers movie
- The highest-grossing movie of 2018, worldwide
Well, yeah... it's a lot of record breaks! Imagine if Avengers: Infinity War was a Game of Thrones character: how long would be its name and titles? (lol)
So, let's celebrate Avengers...! How?
With a weekly small-study about each Avenger's (Avenger, not Avengers' cast members!) career. The first one? One of the Avengers' leaders: Chris Evans
Stay tuned!