Happy New Year, Everybody! My 12 cinematic wishes for 2014: " I wish... " 1. Scarlett Johansson gets her first Oscar nomination for her voice-only performance in Spike Jonze's Her ; 2. Twelve Years a Slave takes home the Academy Award for Best Picture; 3. Sundance Film Festival 2014 features some independent filmmaking gems; 4. Woody Allen announces his 2015 movie will be a family-drama and casts a big couple of actresses I have in mind (what about a muse reunion + Cate Blanchett?) ; 5. Christopher Nolan's Interstellar becomes a critical and box-office success; 6. people stop loving Jennifer Lawrence in such a crazy and irrational way (I like her a lot as an actress, she's one of the best by far, but if all this madness is making me start getting tired of her); 7. some Hollywood producer/director announces a big musical movie is going to be made (I kinda miss all the enthusiasm around an upcoming musical...
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