Genre: Musical; Drama Director: Steven Spielberg Writers: Tony Kushner ( screenplay by ) & Arthur Laurents ( based on the stage play, book by ) Starring: Rachel Zegler, Ansel Elgort, Ariana DeBose, David Alvarez, Mike Faist and Rita Moreno If you think the 1961's adaptation of the Broadway musical West Side Story is perfect and untouchable, then go watch Steven Spielberg's adaptation: it is even better! The director might be well-known for sci-fi and war movies, but it seems Spielberg always wanted to direct a musical... and the result is one of the best cinematic experiences I've had all year! West Side Story has all the show of a huge blockbuster, but the intimacy and emotional punch of one of the finest indies at the same time. This one is to see, hear and cry in a theater, not at home via a streaming platform. It is cinema at its purest and at its finest! The real thing about West Side Story is how actual it actually (still) feels! Racial issues, the American...
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